Tool 2.5 “Four P’s” for Concussion Care – Prioritize, Plan, Pace and Position

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TOOL 2.5: “Four P’s” – Prioritize, Plan, Pace and Position

Manage Concussion Care with the "Four P's" - Prioritize, Plan, Pace and Position


What is important?

  • Decide: What is important? What are you able to do based on how you currently feel?
  • Break daily activities into:
  • Urgent: must be done today.
  • Important: must be done in next few days.
  • For later: must be done this week or month.
  • Don’t need to/can’t do: can it wait until you are feeling better?
  • Help needed: can someone do it for you?


How are you going to do it?

  • Take breaks if you don’t feel well.

  • After a concussion, your brain is less able to do tasks that were once automatic (e.g. tasks you have a lot of practice doing). It may take more time to complete tasks as you recover.

  • Complete the task over stages (you may not be able to finish everything all at once).

  • Plan tasks throughout the day so you aren’t doing too much at one time3


What are you going to do?

  • Organize what you need to do.
  • Do tasks that use more energy at times in the day when you feel best.
  • Make rest breaks part of your routine.
  • Planning saves mental energy and helps you avoid trying to remember what to do and when to do it during the day.


Where are you going to do it?

  • Noisy, busy and distracting environments make it hard to concentrate and will us up more energy
  • Think about your environment and how you stand/sit in it.
  • Your environment can make a difference in how you feel.

Source: Holland Bloorview Kids Rehabilitation Hospital. Concussion Care & You: A Handbook for Parents and Kids. (Page 9)

Manage Concussion Care with the “Four P’s” – Prioritize, Plan, Pace and Position