Additional Information

Derivative Products and Costs

Derivative Products

  • Recommendations can be viewed in different mediums and on different devices (hard copy, PDF, computer, smartphone, tablet, etc.), as they are all hyperlinked and follow a standardized format.
  • Accessible handout documents for parents and/or caregivers and schools and/or sports organizations can be printed out or viewed online.

Cost and Resource Implications

This document, information, and tools are freely available for download. As uptake of this guideline increases and with greater recognition of concussion generally, we expect that specialists/interdisciplinary concussion teams may receive more referrals to treat and manage children/adolescents with prolonged symptoms. We also expect that access to these specialists/interdisciplinary concussion teams may be a challenge until resources increase to meet the need.

It is acknowledged that access to an interdisciplinary concussion team is not possible in all areas and clinical contexts. The authors of this guideline promote the creation of interdisciplinary concussion teams in all areas to enable optimal delivery of evidence-based concussion care and are hopeful that health systems can strive towards delivering this model of care (e.g., funding, infrastructure, capacity, etc.). If an interdisciplinary concussion team is not available, consider appropriate referral to interdisciplinary professionals who have competency-based training and clinical experience to independently manage the specific symptoms of a concussion.


Editorial Independence

The project leaders maintained full authority over the editorial content of this guideline, under advice from members of the project team. Editorial decisions were made in teams of members with diverse backgrounds and expertise, and based on the relevance of the works reviewed to the subject matter, not on the views or interests of the Ontario Neurotrauma Foundation (the funder).


The guideline (print and electronic) and its derivatives may not be sold by any third party. Although these products will carry a notice of the ONF’s copyright, users are encouraged to download them at no charge for their personal use.

The ONF requires that any organization that endorses or encourages the use of this guideline, wherever in the world, create hyperlinks back to the webpages on which the guideline resides:

Website Accessibility

For instructions on how to change text size, background colours and other display settings please visit:

W3C- Web Accessibility Iniative: How to Change Text Size or Colours.