Videos, media stories and PedsConcussion collaborations

Scouts Canada Collaboration:


Meet our expert collaborators and learn more about the PedsConcussion clinical practice recommendations for diagnosing and managing pediatric concussionreplica rolex air king

Myth or Fact

Youtube video series created by PedsConcussion co-lead Dr. Roger Zemek in collaboration with SIRC (Sport Information Resource Centre)

  1. Fact or myth? “Younger children take longer to recover from concussions compared with older teens” FACT: Clinical recommendation # 2.1b: Risk modifiers for a prolonged recovery 
  2. Fact or myth? “Boys are at a higher risk of concussion, and concussion recovery takes longer in boys.” FACT: Clinical recommendation # 2.1b: Risk modifiers for a prolonged recovery 
  3. Fact or Myth? “Following a concussion, youth may safely resume only once they are symptom-free.” FACT: Clinical recommendation # 2.3 “Recommend that low to moderate level physical and cognitive activity be gradually started 24-48 hours after a concussion at a level that does not result in recurrence or exacerbation of symptoms.”



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